St Bernard Catholic School
Making Christ present in all we say and do Current FamiliesFuture FamiliesSt Bernard Catholic School Serves students in Pre-Kindergarten to 8th Grade
Enroll Now for 2024-2025!
Now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year. All families and faiths are welcome. Tuition assistance, scholarships and Opportunity Scholarship of Nebraska now available. Email Dr. Valasek, Principal, at svalasek@stbernardomaha.org for a school tour today!
Who we serve
SBCS serves around 170 students in grades PreK-8. Importantly, SBCS focuses on growth in community, STEAM and blended learning. Furthermore, families at SBCS love our dedicated teachers. Consequently families praise our community focus. And they appreciate the range of financial options for attending SBCS.
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St. Bernard Catholic School offers its students opportunities for growth in all major subjects. This includes Religion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Computer Literacy and STEAM. In addition, opportunities exist to broaden knowledge, community awareness, and leadership involvement. For example, opportunities in the listed areas include: spelling and geography bees, service projects, science fair, math competition. More opportunities include speech competition, play acting, large audience performances, talent show, band, essay contests, and local area competitions.
Both the family and the school community can make continuous efforts to assist students in the formation of their faith. Also, students will grow and become committed to their faith. Importantly, SBCS believes that the “whole person” approach enables children to adopt for themselves the values which flow from the teachings of Jesus Christ as taught by the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, parents of SBCS students are welcomed at SBCS. For example, parents are invited to attend liturgies with their child on days that they are scheduled to attend as a school community.
For over 100 years, St. Bernard Catholic Community has provided an active, Christian presence in the Benson neighborhood. Throughout this time, we have strived to provide academic excellence and spiritual growth to our students of St. Bernard Catholic School. Moreover, we’ve seen that students learn through interaction with others as well as individuals
How we teach
SBCS follows the rigorous standards laid out by the Archdiocese of Omaha Catholic Schools Office. In light of this, we have high-expectations. At the same time, we strive to help each student succeed.
The Mission at St Bernard Catholic School
Making Christ Present in all we say and do. We do this by serving others, while growing in knowledge. At the same time we are preparing for the future.